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Biindigen - Welcome

Home: Welcome

A Bit About Us

Ahnii, Boozhoo (Greeting, Hello)! Otter Daughters is made up of two generations of intergenerational survivors. The daughter-mother Anishinaabekwe consulting duo are of the Otter and Thunderbird clan from the Chippewas of Nawash First Nation in Neyaashiinigmiing (Cape Croker) on the Bruce Peninsula.

Otter Daughters Consulting head office is currently located on Algonquin Unceded Territory in Ottawa, ON.

Home: About Us

Since our founding in 2015, Otter Daughters Consulting has developed and grown in a positive direction. We’re very proud of the diversity of our collaborative team, and their abilities to contribute their own unique experience and skills towards what we call “mino-biimaadiziwin” – the good way of life.

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Jackie Tenute M.A., M.S.W.

Director of Cultural Wellness

Jackie’s passion is to empower and support Indigenous youth within a post-secondary environment into the next phase of their life in a way that is respectful and reflective of Indigenous culture. Jackie offers culturally appropriate counseling services, cultural sensitivity workshops, traditional Indigenous ceremonies, as well as offering mainstream clinical skills within a mindfulness based, solution focused practice.

Hillory Tenute, M.A

Principal Consultant

Hillory is an Evaluator, Facilitator, Speaker, Researcher, Project Manager and proud Annishinabekwe with settler-descent. She has experience in each of the federal government, non-profit and academic work environments and has developed an excellent awareness and understanding of the needs of these client groups. Methodologically, she is experienced in both qualitative, quantitative and Indigenous methodologies.

Grandma Elaine Endanawas 

 Resident Elder & Knowledge Keeper

Grandma Elaine is an Anishnawbekwe, Bear clan, great grandmother, grand mother, pipe carrier, sundancer and cancer survivor born in Blind River, ON., a member of Sheshegwaning First Nation on Manitoulin Island. She began her healing journey by listening & sitting with various traditional elders & teachers, attending and participating in ceremony.

Home: Meet the Team

What we do

Indigenous Content, Indigenous-led

We are dedicated to supporting Indigenous communities, organizations, Federal and Provincial/Territorial governments and the non-profit sector in co-developing tools to implement Indigenous-led engagement, research and evaluation.  Our goal is to develop meaningful outcomes that empower, promotes self-determination, and fosters reciprocal partnerships. We specializes in providing a safe space for educating the public in matters of "Reconciliation", decolonization and mobilizing allyship. We seek to inspire constructive dialogue between Indigenous and allies through workshops, consulting, strategic planning and facilitation of Indigenous frameworks of understanding.


Experiential Learning

Reconciliation Training

A combination of experiential learning, grounded by traditional Indigenous forms of knowledge sharing and western forms of strategic planning, this module-based workshop is part of our signature series. A typical workshop would include a Blanket Exercise, Box Circle Framework and then discussion on mobilizing Reconciliation . The exercises are important to understanding how the impact of colonization impacts ourselves, our families, our communities and our nations (both Indigenous and non-Indigenous nations).

Culturally Relevant Evaluation

Evaluation as Story-Telling

With over seven years of evaluation experience, we see the transformation of evaluation as becoming a tool of empowerment, capacity enhancement and story telling for indigenous communities. One of our passion projects has been achieving Indigenous-lead evaluation, research and engagement through culturally relevant methodologies that are long-lasting and meaningful.

Home: What We Do

Facilitation & Strategic Planning

Getting teams to brainstorm & visualize.

Whether you are a Board, Working Group, Steering Committee or Department, we can facilitate a strategic plan for your team. For the last few years we have been using exploratory methods of strategic planning to get you away from your desk and participating in Game Theory. We utilize a variety of tools that are both rooted in Western-based social science and Indigenous epistemology. We incorporate outcome-based and hands-on materials for your teams to achieve goals. Our overall objective is to give clients a deeper level of understanding of key stakeholders, priorities, objectives, values and resources. Plan your next team retreat with us!

Home: What We Do

Contact Otter Daughters Consulting

Ottawa, ON, Canada

(613) 302-9770

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baa maa pii ka wabmin!
(until later, see you again)


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